Auslöser der Griechenlandkrise: Billige Kredite und Korruption #GreekRevolution [Teil 3]
In der Serie über die Griechenlandkrise und die Protestbewegung veröffentlichen wir den 2. Teil des Interviews mit Evi Papa. Dabei beschreibt E. Papa das politische System und die Unfähigkeit des griechischen Volkes diesem entgegenzuwirken, als eine der Ursachen der Krise. Auch wenn die Griechen maßgeblich beteiligt waren, sind relevante Faktoren aus dem globalen Finanzsektor einzubeziehen.
Humanrightaustria: Is this crisis the result of the last months or years?
Evi Papa: There is no doubt that our current situation is the outcome in a series of incompetent governments, back from the mid 70’s to now. So, if we want to be totally honest, we share - or many of us share - a big part of the blame for voting them. Greece is no different than most european countries, having a system that allows only the two biggest parties to govern.
Humanrightaustria: But what about Greece entering the EU: "something" was not right then.
Evi Papa: It is also a fact that when Greece joined the eurozone, most of the country’s economic rates and numbers were fabricated, in order to meet the expectations of Europe. Numerous scandals and cases of political corruption, money laundering and irresponsible spending of public money were buried over the last two decades, mostly because of the dark relations between politicians, media, tycoon’s, and judges, even with the greek church participating in some outraging transactions.
Humanrightaustria: When we talk about the banks in Greece it reminds me of the US Loan Policy with Bill Clinton.
Humanrightaustria: Ok, but what about the people: they could have acted in a different way.
Evi Papa: Sure, lots of people got carried away in a totally corrupted environment. Are all to be blamed? Well, in a country that is in the top of the list regarding money spent in military weapon’s, but in the bottom of the list regarding money spent in education, it’s quite safe to say that people are easy to be manipulated or ‘’trained’’ to act in a certain way.
Are we the innocent victims? No, but no one has the right to treat us like the only responsible and muzzle us. People pay for their mistakes, they face justice, get poor, go to jail, while politicians (practically the same for twenty years) hide behind their immunity, steal billions of public money and use state-sponsored terrorism and violence to stop any voice of disapproval.
Humanrightaustria: Crisis of Greece or Crisis of the global finical system?
Evi Papa: The crisis is not a greek or european phenomenon. At this point, greece seems to be the field of an on-going experiment. In order for the ‘’casino capitalism’’, that was formed the last decade, to overcome this crisis, it is obliged to destroy part of the capital and labor by declaring war on society. The quantity is reduced and the money does not circulate rapidly changing hands.
Humanrightaustria: So it's a global problem: but why is everybody staring at Greece?
Evi Papa: So everyone is afraid of the domino effect, meaning that if greece is left to bankrupt, more will follow rapidly. Fear is the key word in my opinion. It won’t allow any human-centered decisions to be made, just false actions to get through the day, with no real long-term plan what so ever. And fear is what people are finally trying to overcome, in order to succeed an ethical, moral progress, based on human needs rather than corporate interests.
Humanrightaustria: These days some politicians demand that Greece should go back to the Drachma. Have your people finished with the EU?
Evi Papa: Most greek people were, and still are in favour of a real european union, based not only in numbers, but in culture, history, technology, humanism, a unification of ideas. What we live these years make me think that european union as it is, resembles a flock of sheep, that is being used by the shepherd, until the day it will no longer have any use.
4. Generation 700: aufschlussreiche Arte Dokumentation über die junge Generation
5. Le Monde diplomatique: Mass uprising of Greece’s youth
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